The performer unravels a length of thread. He then immediately, and VISBLY, begins to SAW the thread straight into his throat! The spectators can actually see the thread deep under the performer's flesh, from ANY ANGLE!
Now for the REALLY disturbing part; the performer begins to pull the thread back through his throat! This grotesque; the spectator can actually SEE the thread tearing through the skin!
After the thread has ripped though the skin, there is no wound, no scars, nothing to see, and nothing to find. Just a hunk of thread, a naked neck and the memory of an unspeakable weirdness.
Sean Fields has created a deeply disturbing effect, and has teamed up with a somewhat concerned Rodney Reyes to make it available to those that like this sort of thing.
Saw = Geek magic. Redefined
Running time approximately 30 mins.